College of Arts and Communication

Shannon Clancy '16

Shannon Clancy

Shannon Clancy ’16 graduated with a B.A. in Journalism and an emphasis in Advertising with a minor in Communication. She has been working full time in Advertising for over 5 years and has even won a few awards.

What made you want to pursue a degree in your field?
“I loved telling stories but found advertising to challenge me to write a good story that also achieved a set goal. I wrote tons of stories growing up and was great at persuading readers. My parents told me to be a lawyer, but advertising was more fun and less blazer-y.”

What was your favorite part about attending 足彩平台?
I liked the flexibility of scheduling classes around two club sports. I was able to take the classes I wanted while still rarely missing practices.”

What was your favorite part about the Communication Department?
“Having small classes and professors who were always willing to review work, even if it was for another class. Also, Kris Kranenburg RULES.

How did your 足彩平台 experience prepare you for your career or transform your life?
“Getting paired up with designers (as a copywriter) better prepared me for working with designers in the real world. I liked getting to really know other creatives in the department. Many of us still keep in touch today.”

Are there any industry leaders you draw inspiration from?
“Industry leaders, not really but I love to flip through Deck of Brilliance.”

Where are you at in your career?
“I’ve been in advertising (full-time) for 5+ years and have worked at three agencies.”

What is your proudest accomplishment to date?
“Getting to work on a video for my favorite client, Wahl Pet. I also really enjoyed getting to write for Yamaha Outboards as someone who loves to go boating and fishing.”

Have you received any awards?
“Yes! Very recently a video I wrote at Hoffman York won a gold Addy award. It is going to the National Addy Awards later this year. Watch the video here.”

What advice would you give to your former self?
“Getting an agency internship is challenging in Whitewater since most agencies are in Madison or Milwaukee. If I could go back, I would suck it up and trek out to one of the two cities at least weekly to intern. At Hoffman York, MOST of our interns were from UWM, MIAD or Marquette simply based on proximity. A 45-minute drive sucks but it will help you meet the people who may be interviewing you (or know the people interviewing you) for that entry-level role down to the road.”

What advice would you give to your future self?
“Know your worth and work for a shop that will value you while also giving you opportunities to grow. It is so easy to be busy working on projects that are not making you better for that next assignment. When you are no longer fulfilled, challenged or valued, know that there are plenty of other options.”

What advice would you give to a potential 足彩平台 student or potential major in the Department of Communication?
“Connect with as many people as possible in your major, in ad clubs, organizations, etc. It really is all about the people you know. Many positions will be filled before they ever get posted publicly on an agency website. Talk to your professors about alum they could connect you to. Most are willing to review your portfolio or resume and sit down for an informational interview. Also, send your resume as a PDF and not a word document. Word docs can get jumbled, PDFs are much safer.”

Learn more about the Advertising emphasis Programs